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Falling Forward kind of unexpectedly unfolded in front of me over my years of music and ministry work.


After spending  six years in Nashville working behind the scenes in the music industry, I started to feel like I was loosing something valuable.  The whole idea of self-promotion and building relationships based on what someone else could do for my career got me asking the question, why am I doing this?


I felt like I needed to get back to a place where I could build real relationships with people - relationships built on love and affection for Jesus and others, without ulterior motives.  So I left the music industry and began leading worship full-time in the local church.


There I was building meaningful relationships, but something still wasn’t right.  I found myself feeling pressured to conform to what others thought a worship experience should look and sound like.  I consistently saw the local church struggling to find it’s way to an authentic worship experience while navigating through questions about production and performance. 


As a result we have a culture in our churches where musicians and pastors are often elevated to the status of Rock Stars.  As I prayed and studied the scriptures I started to feel an impression in my spirit that something needed to change.


Falling Forward is the result of my convictions about how worship music should be made and a desire to be obedient to what I believe God is asking me to do: create music and videos that bring us closer to Him and each other,

without compromise.       

The Story

Chad Meadows

Husband, father, music maker and connoisseur of chocolate chip cookies.

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